Simplifying Benefits


From the Experts

Social Security Administration Plan Deduction Error

We want to notify you about an issue affecting ALL Medicare members who are paying their Prescription Drug & Medicare Advantage plan premiums from their Social Security Administration (SSA) check.

 Due to an error by the Social Security Administration, your payments were not withheld for two or more months starting February 1, 2019. This issue affected all insurance companies.  This was not a mistake by your insurance company, but a mistake by the Social Security Administration (SSA).  Although the system issue is now fixed, the SSA cannot retroactively deduct premium payments from members' checks.


 What do you need to do?

 If you paid your monthly premiums with your Social Security check, your account is now past due.   This means you now need to pay any past-due premium amounts directly to your insurance company.


What happens next?

  • Your Insurance company will be sending you a letter and invoice in the next several weeks regarding past due payments.

  • You are NOT currently at-risk for termination due to nonpayment. However, you do need to begin making payments to ensure your plan is not terminated for nonpayment in the future.


Although this issue was out of our control and out of the insurance companies control, we realize it will be an inconvenience you. We understand this may cause a financial hardship.  If that is the case, please contact your insurance company directly by calling the member services number on your card.  Your insurance company is willing to work with you for payment options.

 Please contact Colleen Geiger or Bud Fassnacht at 740-967-0210 with additional questions.

Tiffany Geiger