Know where to go for care, before you need it
Knowing where to go if you get sick or hurt can save you lots of time and money, and help you get the best medical care. How do you choose where to go when the unexpected happens?
The emergency room (ER) shouldn’t be your first stop — unless there’s a true emergency. Go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 if:
There is a lot of pain or bleeding
You are having trouble breathing.
You think the problem might get a lot worse if you don’t get help right away.
You think the problem could kill you.
There was no warning before your symptoms started.
If you need help but it isn’t an emergency, here are some options:
Call your doctor. He or she can help you decide whether you should go to an urgent care center or come into the office.
Call 24/7 NurseLine. A registered nurse will help you decide what to do.
Go to a retail health clinic. These are small offices in drug stores or other large stores. They are open on weekends, evenings and most holidays. If the clinic can’t help you, they’ll tell you where to go next and you won’t have to pay.
Go to an urgent care center. Urgent care is for when you need to be treated right away, but your problem isn’t serious. These centers are open late at night, and on weekends and holidays.
Visit a doctor using Telemedicine if you have it available with your plan. Board-certified doctors are available 24/7. Use Telemedic for common health issues like the cold, a flu, allergies and pink eye.
Information from Anthem 04133MUMENABS VPOD Rev. 05/18